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Tags give the ability to mark specific points in history as being important
  • v0.2.9
    [release]: 0.2.9
    New features
    - announcement bar, configuration view in [configure#options-of-announcement_file](
    - supporting multilingualism, more at [configure#options-in-config.toml-under-the-languages](
    - replacement "$base_url" variable in header setting, to "@" symbol.
    - rewrite [configure]( page, and more detailed documentation
    - switch to [zola-bin]( in package scripts
    - mobile header is sticky position
    - folio macros not only the page
    - header setting can now be contained in a separate file, more at [configure#options-of-header_file](
    - footer remove default settings and move `extra.version` in `[[extra.footer]]`
    Bug fixing
    - header right links rendering as a vector
    - search icon not displayed in light theme
  • v0.2.8
    [release notes]: v0.2.8
    New features
    - returned search and made for mobile
    - page with search results
    - clear search input button
    - disable children in page with `disable_children` parameter
    - header section is active in the section pages
    Bug fixing
    - corrected layout of page navigation
  • v0.2.7
    [release]: v0.2.7
    New features
    - diagrams [reference/markdown-syntax#mermaid](@/reference/ with shortocode using [mermaid](
    - resize images, implementation of [Image processing | Zola](
    - minor changes in mobile page, fixed header and nav for open menu
    - remove script for fetch releases and change to zola load data
    - improve code blocks
  • v0.2.6
    [release]: v0.2.6
    New features
    - hint shortcode [reference/markdown-syntax#hints](reference/
    - anchors for quick page navigation, implementation of [Internal links & deep linking | Zola](
    - edit the page, the path to content repository is configured with `repo` and branch `repo_branch`
    - added second-level headings for table of contents
    - disable search and remove js file
    - adding prefetch for cdnurl
    - improved work with importing scripts using macros
    - page layout switch flex to grid
    - enable updates macros as a default
  • v0.2.5
    [release]: [0.2.5]
    New features
    -  dark mode and auto-mode added
    - minor changes design in mobile 404
    - moved to typescript
    - change a little directory structure in sass folder
    - little change design in footnote
    Bug fixing
    - fixed location of footer
  • v0.2.4
    v0.2.4 release notes
    - the theme is fully translated into classless css
    - change github workflows to only build
    - redesigned search bar
  • v0.2.3
    v0.2.3 release notes
    New features
    - created a container image for the theme and is available ``
    - began to shift the topic to a paradigm classless
    - new url for demonstration theme [karzok](
  • v0.2.2
    v0.2.2 release notes
    New features
    - new parameter `item.alt` text for your svg icon in header, if it is not specified, then the link to the resource is used as it
    - adding aria labels, where they were not
    - provide zola description by meta tag in html
    - change h3 to span in toc
    - change license at the MIT
  • v0.2.1
    v0.2.1 release notes
    New features
    - added the ability to tear down the sidebar menu
    - switch from builds to github workflows
    - setup staging domain
    - remove deprecated parameter and karzok configuration adding link
    - Rename src to layout folder, and started common styles into individual components.
  • v0.2.0
    e0bf177b · root: update screenshot ·
    v0.2.0 release notes
    New features
    - mobile version is made in early version
    - alpha search
    - new settings `relative_path` which prints in full page
    - new parameter `config.extra.theme_color` which allow tab coloring in safari
    - experimental settings `header.container` activate by `devmode`
    - new Dockerfile
    - setup postcss and swc to compiling
    Bug fixing
    - fixed favicons
    - fixing toc and sidebar overflow
    - fixing article.css large list
    - correct minutes word
    - fix bug with typo
    - improved normalize.css by @sindresorhus
    - separate header parameter to `header_right` and `header_left`
    - set link center and add design with penpot
    - remove static folder, by it generation
  • v0.1.3
    many new features
  • v0.1.2
    many small updates and bug fixeds
  • v0.1.0
    opensource karzok